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Local, National, Global, Galactic, and Universal Impact of LADS

LADS will change everything. Not just on Earth, but throughout our solar system, throughout our galaxy, throughout our super cluster Laniakea, and throughout our universe.

Locally, LADS can send us materials from space or send Recovery LADS if there are any natural disatsers. Nationally LADS can improve NASA's exploration and research efforts. Globally, LADS can lead to an age of prosperity and new discovery as we explore the resources of our solar system. They can help anyone, anywhere. They can gather resources from astroids using robotic mining tools. And they can advance our technologies as a whole as we develop a series of spaces bases to brighten our way toward deep space travel. Galactically, LADS will allow space travel from solar system to solar system. Universally, LADS will open new fronteirs we have yet to imagine.

In the future LADS will be used to deliver anything from space to Earth and to other planets.

We need advances in technology to improve our LADS, and funding from any opportune source. Then we will be well on our way to be space lads and lassies.

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